Pratham 3.0 is specially designed and made for students.MINI is highly affordable Plug & Play 3D Printer which can be used in Educational Institutes for STEM Educationn. Even suitable for personal hobbiest use.MINI comes with same Legacy of our other Industrial Grade 3D Printers like Pratham 3.0 & Pratham 5.0
Best for Industrial work & long-term application uses. Pratham 3.0 made for heavy duty work where you don't want any loopfalls to complete your Product Development Work. Best choice by Industrial Users. Available on GEM for Government Buyers.
Pratham 3.0 Will gives you a look and feel of Industrial Grade 3d Printer. Produly Made in Indian 3D Printer
Make Anything up to 300x300x300 mm with Same Precision and Accuracy. Tested for Continuous Print of 157 Hours.
Powered by Heavy Duty Mechanical & Electronics makes Pratham 3.0 best Heavy Duty FDM 3D Printer for Long run Applications.